Introducing Alison Raskin – Director of Communication & Connections

TPC Welcomes Alison Raskin

Director of Communication & Connections

Towson Presbyterian Church is thrilled to introduce Alison Raskin, the church’s new Director of Communication & Connections.  Alison will join TPC’s staff on July 14, 2021.

Alison was born, raised and attended college in Pennsylvania. She has lived in Virginia, California (attending Fuller Theological Seminary where she picked up both a husband and a Master’s of Divinity), Prague, and Massachusetts before recently returning to the Mid-Atlantic.  She and her husband have settled down here in the Baltimore area with their three year old daughter.

While Alison was raised in the church (her grandpa was a PCUSA minister), she’s been blessed to have been formed by a variety of denominations along the way.

Most recently, Alison worked for a youth ministry organization before she and her husband launched Reclamation Faith, an inspiring podcast and social media ministry!

When TPC’s Director of Communications and Connections position became available, she was excited to jump back into this stream with us!

Her hobbies include communicating and connecting… so she finds her new job title and description very fitting.  When she isn’t chasing her very active three year old or recording her podcast you might find her traveling, cooking or kayaking.

As TPC’s Director of Communication & Connections, Alison will be the primary facilitator of the church’s communications to both members and the community-at-large.  This includes creating, curating, and distributing content for the church’s print and ever-increasing electronic communications (including the website, social media platforms, and more).  As such, Alison will work closely with staff and members in the development and implementation of a wide-ranging communication schedule that promotes the church’s upcoming events, tells the important stories that emerge from ministries that have taken place, and fosters  communal communication and connection.