TPC’s Virtual Campus

TPC Gathers both In-Person and Virtually

Christ’s Church has never been a place, but a people — a movement– called to pursue the kingdom on earth as it is in heaven. We read throughout the pages of Scripture, and perhaps most clearly in in the life and ministry of Jesus Christ, that we are called to be where the people are. With these two foundational principles at the forefront of our mind and heart, TPC is thrilled to launch our Virtual Campus.

For the past four years TPC has accomplished significant growth in this area. During the global pandemic we have been deeply blessed to uncover fresh opportunities to engage people in new ways of sharing in worship and ministry together. We have learned how “real” virtual community is; we have seen its blessings; and because we are called to perpetually spread Christ’s Kingdom of love, we see this launch as both formalizing and furthering these efforts.

This addition of a virtual campus does not negate the need for our beloved physical campus. This launch amplifies it.

Join us as we break ground on this endeavor. Join us as we continue to grow our presence on these platforms, connect in community, and celebrate worship virtually. Join us as we seek to share the very good news of Jesus Christ in all places and in all ways.

Additional Links:

Dual Campus “Locations”

Equally Valued

Virtual and In-Person Church School

Please be sure to check out our homepage calendar with ALL of our faith formation offerings color-coded by whether they are  in-person or virtual.