TPC Helps Honduran Friends in Need

Towson Presbyterian Church has been working with our friends in Honduras for over 20 years, helping to build homes and eco stoves, provide medical and dental services and help with community building.  The people we serve there are primarily indigenous Mayan descendants who are extremely poor and who are not served well by the Honduran government.

We also work with an organization called Casita Copan that provides childcare and foster care for Honduran children so their mothers can work outside the home.  We help there with building projects and also with medical and dental services.

During 2020 our friends in Honduras were hit hard with the Corona virus, as Honduras has a very poor health care system.  On top of that two strong hurricanes hit them in November.

Your generosity as a church has allowed the Mission Outreach Committee with the approval of session to send $2400 to help in four remote villages where we have worked and another $2400 to the Casita Copan Hurricane Relief Fund.  These monies are being used to provide food, clean water and temporary shelter as needed.  The need is great, and it is good that we have been able to share from our abundance.  The people of Honduras give thanks for our assistance.