TPC Awarded Chesapeake Bay Trust Grant

TPC is thrilled to announce we are the recipient of a 2020 Chesapeake Bay Trust Watershed Assistance Grant of $35,509 to aid in the design process for stormwater practices that will reduce stormwater runoff and pollution from our church building and parking lot.

Through our engagement with the One Water Partnership, a faith-based program led by Interfaith Partners for the Chesapeake (IPC) to address stormwater runoff, Blue Water Baltimore (BWB) provided us with a stormwater audit identifying a variety of green infrastructure opportunities on our campus. This audit gave a concept design for two rain gardens and a cistern system. One rain garden will be located between the east parking lot and Central Avenue, and the second rain garden and cistern will be located within the courtyard. With funding from this grant, we intend to develop this concept into a plan that can break ground and serve as a permanent demonstration of watershed stewardship to our neighbors and parishioners. TPC’s Earth Corps and Property Committees will oversee the design process with project management support from Blue Water Baltimore. Throughout the design phase, we intend to share status updates and promote the value of green infrastructure to our neighbors and faith-based networks.

We anticipate the design process to be ongoing through 2021 and will apply for additional grants for implementation and construction for 2022. For more information on rain gardens, click here to view the brochure from Gunpowder Valley Conservancy.

This grant continues TPC’s commitment to care for God’s creation as an Earth Care Congregation of the PCUSA.