Snyder Listening Groups

Listening Groups Begin

We are incredibly grateful for the Snyder Fund, gifted to us by the late Hank and Mary Louise Snyder. Please CLICK HERE to learn more about the bequest. 


It is now our honor to use this gift for God’s Glory!

The Snyder Committee wants to hear from you! Please participate in one of their upcoming Listening Groups.

There we will listen for the fresh thing that the Spirit is doing in our midst and in the wider world. The resources from the fund will eventually go towards one or both types of initiatives:

1. A brand-new initiative that has the support and participation of current TPC members.

2. A current mission effort we at TPC are engaged in that needs resources  in order to grow in a new direction.

We need your hands and feet to be “on mission” in whatever direction we choose to move… but our first task is to listen…to YOU! 

Come so we can hear your heart, your passions, your ideas, your story of the way you are already at work being God’s hands and feet in the world and in Towson.  




Listening groups will take place in TPC’s Chapel on Sunday, September 25th at 11:15 a.m. in TPC’s Chapel and also  online via Zoom with Pastor Joel Strom. 

Another listening session will be held in TPC’s Thompson Hall on October 9th at 11:15 a.m.

No registration is needed for any of these events.