February 16, 2020

We Make the Road By Walking – Ch. 24: “Jesus and Hell”

Preacher: The Rev. Joel Strom,
Passage: Matthew 25: 31-46

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January 26, 2020

We Make The Road By Walking – Ch. 21

Preacher: The Rev. Joel Strom,
Passage: Mark 1: 21-28

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December 1, 2019

We Make the Road By Walking — Ch. 14; Desires, Hopes and Dreams

Preacher: The Rev. Joel Strom,
Passage: Isaiah 40: 9-11, Luke 1: 67-79

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November 10, 2019

We Make The Road By Walking Ch.9 – Moses and the Burning Bush

Preacher: The Rev. Joel Strom,
Passage: Exodus 3: 1-15

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October 13, 2019

“The Flood”

Preacher: The Rev. Joel Strom,
Passage: Genesis 6:5-8; 7:, 1-5; 9: 17

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September 8, 2019

All In

Preacher: The Rev. Joel Strom, The Rev. Rob Carter,
Passage: Jeremiah 18: 1-11, Luke 14: 25-33

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September 1, 2019

Cooking Shows, Dinners and Guest Lists

Preacher: The Rev. Joel Strom,
Passage: Hebrews 13: 1-8, 15-16; Luke 14: 1, 7-14

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August 11, 2019

Who’s Being Changed When We Pray?

Preacher: The Rev. Joel Strom,
Passage: Luke 11:1-13

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June 30, 2019

The Standard Formula

Preacher: The Rev. Joel Strom,
Passage: Luke 9: 51-62

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June 9, 2019

Journeying Together

Preacher: The Rev. Joel Strom,
Series: Lessons from the Early Church,
Passage: Acts 2: 1 - 21

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