Pastors Rob Carter and Joel Strom leading a worship service at Towson Presbyterian Church.


Mission Committee Decision

We invite you to lift up Haiti and Afghanistan in prayer.  As we’ve watched two disasters unfold in these regions, the Mission Committee has approved donations to Presbyterian Disaster Relief…

Regathering Update for August 2021

Dear Friends, It’s a classic good news – bad news scenario. The bad news?  You know its name–Delta–the Covid variant causing a significant spike in cases throughout our nation and, now,…

TPC is now Fully Open – Almost All Restrictions Eliminated!

Updated Regathering Plan – July 1, 2021 Almost All Restrictions are Lifted   With thanks to God (and thanks for the service and determination of public health and civic servants),…

Introducing Mimi Frysiek – Administrative Assistant

Introducing TPC’s New Administrative Assistant Mimi Frysiek Mimi is a native Baltimorean, growing up in Sparks. She was a self-described tomboy, riding ponies, playing in the dirt, catching crayfish, and…

Introducing Alison Raskin – Director of Communication & Connections

TPC Welcomes Alison Raskin Director of Communication & Connections Towson Presbyterian Church is thrilled to introduce Alison Raskin, the church’s new Director of Communication & Connections.  Alison will join TPC’s…

TPC Welcomes New Members

TPC is deeply blessed to welcome these wonderful new members into our family of faith, as we join together in seeking to grow closer to God and God’s kingdom.

TPC is In Pursuit of a Bold New Vision

In Pursuit of a Bold New Vision   In 2018, Session presented a Visioning Plan that called for four new initiatives:  adult spiritual formation, evangelism, family ministry, and communications. TPC…

Sanctuary Audio-Visual Upgrade

Sanctuary Receiving Major Audio-Visual Upgrade   Prior to the pandemic, the Worship, Music, & Arts Committee requested Session explore updating the sanctuary’s audio and visual capabilities.  The committee was frustrated by…

Sanctuary HVAC Renovation

Bringing Fresh Air Into the Sanctuary   Having learned the limitations of the sanctuary’s HVAC (which relies almost entirely on recycled air that is not filtered via MERV 13 or…

Plastic Reduction Challenge

Plastic Reduction Challenge June-July As TPC considers the ways our faith is nurtured through practices, Earth Corps invites you to develop intentional practices related to reducing the use of plastics,…