Celebrating Joel and Stephen

Ten years ago, Towson Presbyterian Church faithfully discerned God calling two young men to serve the church.   What a blessing they have been!  Rev. Joel Strom was called as Associate Pastor to Towson Presbyterian Church on May 12, 2014.  Stephen Harouff arrived shortly thereafter, beginning his service as TPC’s Director of Music & Organist on June 16, 2014.


Much has changed in the life of our congregation across the past decade, including their job descriptions (as both have seen their job descriptions expand because of their gifts and dedication to the church).  What hasn’t changed is our deep appreciation for both!


Originally called with a focus on pastoral care, mission, and youth ministries, Joel now also facilitates the whole of TPC’s faith formation ministries, including adults.  In particular, he has helped facilitate a thriving adult spiritual formation ministry that has become a wellspring for our congregation’s expanding faith and fellowship.  He has helped navigate the church’s focus from siloed children, youth, and adult ministries to include the pivotal focus on family and intergenerational ministries.  Additionally, the church’s mission programs have grown significantly—to the point TPC has been blessed to call a Mission Coordinator position.  Joel is currently working to establish a Parish Visitor program (with Rev. Cahill and Karen Williams) to expand the church’s pastoral care amid the increased need and desire to connect with those homebound, grieving, or struggling.  And still, there’s more—far too much to list.  Yet, the abovementioned examples paint a picture of the legacy of ministry Joel has offered this past decade, which has touched the lives of every soul whose been blessed to traverse our community of faith.


Stephen’s gifts can easily be witnessed on a weekly basis.  Each Sunday, worshippers are blessed with carefully selected and artfully performed preludes, postludes, hymns, and musical selections that deepen our worship experience in meaningful ways.  The Chancel Choir—a rich gift to every worship service during the programmatic year—has grown both quantitatively and qualitatively under Stephen’s direction, filling worship with inspiring offerings.  The Bell Choir adds both a visual and audible delight to worship.  And the church was blessed to welcome the Children’s Choir back this spring after a brief hiatus.  Of course, Stephen’s ministry expands beyond Sundays and choirs, including Stephen’s virtual offerings (“Sing with Understanding”) and multiple small groups he has led.


What wonderful blessings TPC received 10 years ago.  Happy 10-year anniversary, Joel & Stephen!  We thank God for you both!