Sunday Services

At Towson Presbyterian Church


While we follow a “traditional” order of worship, that doesn't mean everything is always traditional.  Worship is designed to be uplifting, thought-provoking, challenging, and community-building.  Each service includes music, prayers, a time for children, Scripture readings, and reflections on how Scripture is still speaking to our world—and our lives—today.  Communion, or the Lord's Supper, is offered to each and all on the first Sundays of each month.


We offer one service at 10:00am every Sunday. All are welcome to attend, no matter your faith background, social status, gender, or appearance. One of our core values is inclusivity, which means you are invited to come and connect with God in community, just as you are today.

We have a professionally staffed nursery available for children ages 0–4, and have children's programming for K–5th Graders during the school year. If it's your first time visiting, please see a deacon at the front door to be directed to the children's wing. However, we are an intergenerational community of faith, and wholeheartedly welcome children to remain in the sanctuary for the entire duration of the service if parents prefer!

Every service begins with a prayerful reflection; something to meditate on during the prelude as a time of preparation. Several congregational hymns are woven throughout our service, and all voices add to the joyful noise! Prior to a brief sermon, we say a Call to Worship, Prayer of Confession, and Assurance of Grace. We "Pass the Peace" every week with a handshake, high five, or simply a nod, to acknowledge and honor one another's presence in communal worship. A short passage of Scripture is read, we offer our gifts to God, receive a benediction, and conclude within an hour.


While our in-person campus is where we gather in-person to worship, serve, fellowship, and grow together, we have learned an important lesson over the last few years: virtual community is vital and important. This is why TPC is excited and proud to offer a full and vital Virtual Campus. Intimately related to our in-person campus, it offers pathways to participate in the life of our church's ministries remotely.

In addition to our worship services that are livestreamed (and saved) every Sunday, most of our small groups, spiritual formation opportunities, and classes, have a virtual option! Our main calendar is color-coded so you can easily see what is taking place in-person or on our virtual campus.

Sunday services are livestreamed at 10:00am each week on three platforms:

We encourage you to thumbs up, heart, and comment, before, during, or after worship on whichever platform you choose. Our average virtual attendance every Sunday is roughly 60 congregants, so let them know you're worshipping alongside them!

What to Expect

We know it can be hard—maybe even a bit intimidating—coming to a new place with lots of people you don’t know but who seem to know each other.  Please give us the chance to welcome you. We promise we’ll be grateful you’ve come, and will do our best to make you feel at ease and comfortable!

Get to Know Us!

We ask that those desiring to become a member simply take time to participate in the life of TPC for a while.  Get to know us (and know we'd love to get to know you, too!).

Come to worship. Participate in a small group or a mission team.  Basically, do anything that might  connect to others, while also helping you grow in faith.

If you find that TPC is a community of faith that meets your needs and helps you live out your faith, please know we’d love for you to join!

Is it Hard to Become a Member?

Hardly.  As we share up front, our church is not about being perfect.  It’s about practicing and growing in our faith as we strive to grow closer to God and closer to others.  So there aren’t any hard requirements or tests you have to pass before becoming a member.

Is it Hard to Become a Member?

This is, frankly, the most important question.  Let’s be clear—becoming a formal member of the church does not come with significant perks.  Perhaps we shouldn’t admit that, but we’re all about transparency here, so… There’s hardly anything that a “member” can do at the church that a non-member cannot.

So the decision to join TPC or not is really about your own faith journey, and the sign of commitment you make within it.  To join a church is to signal to God, the congregation, and yourself that "this community" is where you are being called to practice living out your faith, and these are the people who will walk alongside you amid the journey.

In this way, we believe church membership is vitally important—and strongly encourage it.

If you’re ready to join the church, please contact one of the pastors or simply come to one of the upcoming New Member Groups.