TPC Welcomes the Peabody Children’s Chorus

Beginning this September, TPC will be blessed to host the Peabody Children’s Chorus on Tuesdays afternoons and evenings.

This prestigious musical group of children and youth — part of Johns Hopkins Peabody Preparatory — will be utilizing Thompson Hall, the Chapel, and the Heartlights Room for choir rehearsals and voice lessons, while the Nursery will serve as a waiting area for parents.  These four specific rooms will not be available for church use on Tuesday evenings from Sept. – June, nor should these spaces be used as a thoroughfare to get from one location of the facility to another (e.g. please do not try to cut through Thompson Hall to get to another area of the building).

Because the chorus will be using the Thompson Hall door as its primary entrance (the choir that meets in the Chapel will utilize the Chapel door), it will be easiest if you avoid using the Thompson Hall door on Tuesday evenings and instead use the Sanctuary or Chapel doors.

Finally, as chorus parents arrive to drop off and pick up their child/youth, TPC’s parking lot will also have much more activity.  Thankfully, the chorus has arranged for the presence of four (4) security guards who will both ensure building security and facilitate traffic flow.

In the ensuing 2020-2021 programmatic year, the chorus will continue using TPC’s facility, but will switch to Monday afternoons and evenings rather than Tuesdays.

To learn more about the chorus, please click here.

Thank you for noting the changes to our usage and your grace in accommodating them.