Note to Parents – Camp BeeTree 2024

Dear Parents of Camp BeeTree Campers,


The countdown has begun, and we will gather with 39 campers, 17 Counselors in Training, and many Adult Volunteers on Monday morning, July 15th to begin Camp BeeTree. It’s going to be a wonderful week. Please know that this camp is run completely by volunteers – it amazes me every year that so many people put their heart and soul into Camp BeeTree.


Here are the important reminders for a successful experience for your camper!


  • Every morning and every afternoon you, as the adult responsible for your child, will enter Thompson Hall and sign in/sign out your child. On Monday morning, we may be a bit hectic because everyone is “new” on the first day. In the afternoons, please come into Thompson Hall, sign out your camper, make “eye to eye contact” with your camper’s Adult Leader and say “I’ve got her/him!” before leaving. Every day there will be crafts & artwork to pick up and gather all your camper’s belongings.


  • In the mornings, the doors will open for campers at 8:15 am. The Adult Volunteers & CITs arrive at 8:00 am so they can get settled for the day and be ready for the campers!


  • We provide a nut free snack after the first rotation of the day, so the campers aren’t starved for lunch. 😊


  • Your child will receive her/his camp T-Shirt on Monday morning. We will ask them to change into the new shirt when they arrive.


  • Clothes for BeeTree – we have an amazing stream that is about a 15-minute walk from the main camp. Everyone changes into the clothes they’ve brought for wading. Necessary Stream Attire include bathing suits, sunscreen, a towel, a full change of clothes for post-Stream, & water shoes for your camper! If your camper doesn’t have water shoes, a 2nd pair of sneakers will do. You want the shoes to stay on, so think shoelaces!


  • Please provide a nut free lunch for your camper. We have some campers with allergies, so thanks for being creative!


  • We are fortunate to have toilets at camp and running water.


  • Please pray for NO thunderstorms – that’s the only weather event that puts a hold on Camp BeeTree. How this works: if it’s raining, we carry on, even if it’s a heavy rain. If there is thunder, we immediately head to the buses to shelter in place. If after 20 minutes there is no more thunder, we go back to our scheduled activities. If it’s a real thunderstorm that doesn’t look like it’s going to abate, we head home to church, and the campers can work on their Challenge Booklets and other crafts & Legos. The worst-case scenario hasn’t happened in the past six years, so let’s make it seven!


  • Pick up is 3:15 pm. Any camper that is still in Thompson Hall at 3:30 pm goes to aftercare and you’ll be charged $20/day.


  • IMPORTANT – As you know, the heat has been tough these past couple of weeks. PLEASE send your camper with more than one drink for camp! We have large water jugs for refill but bringing two drinks/waters is a good idea.


  • Please send your child with her/his bandana every day. We can keep the campers a bit cooler by dunking the bandanas in cold water and then tying them around their necks. Thank you.


FRIDAY — you are invited come to BeeTree and see all the excitement that occurs on Friday. We have a water slide that is FAB and the campers also go to the Stream. We have a cookout lunch of hamburgers, hotdogs, chips and dessert. You are more than welcome to join us for all day or part of the day – whatever works for you! Please let me know if you and others are coming so we can get a food count!


FAVOR – We are short on picnic volunteers to help cook and set up the meal. If you could help us out with this ask, please email and let me know!


SUNDAY – we have a BeeTree Celebration Worship Service at 10:00 am on Sunday, July 21st! The campers are invited and their entire families! The campers will be directly involved in the service and it’s loads of fun. Please mark your calendars and join us – hopefully your campers will beg you to get them to church!



Jenness Hall
