Mary Gaut
Parish Associate
Mary is happy to call TPC her “home congregation” now that she is retired from parish ministry. Her ties to TPC go all the way back to 1991 when her son was enrolled in our Preschool. Through the years she has developed relationships with many in the congregation. She holds degrees from Mary Baldwin College and University of Texas at Austin and worked in the areas of journalism and political PR in Texas before sensing a call to ministry. After receiving her M.Div from Princeton Seminary she served congregations in Kentucky and Maryland, including 20 years as pastor of Maryland Presbyterian Church in Towson. She retired from pastoral ministry to serve as the interim General Presbyter of the Presbytery of Baltimore 2015-16 and is now back at the Presbytery as the Stated Clerk. She was a 2014 GreenFaith fellow and served for six years on the Board of Interfaith Partners for the Chesapeake (IPC) including three years as Chairperson. She believes that environmental stewardship is a core dimension of Christian discipleship and looks forward to continued work with the TPC Earth Corp. She lives in Towson with her husband Rocky. Between them they have five children, seven grandchildren, and share their home with their cat Lena.