

We value compassion at TPC, which means we cannot simply ignore the pain and brokenness of the world around us. We understand there cannot be peace and joy for us until there is peace and joy for all, so we utilize what we have to offer—money, time, skills, labor—to promote hope and healing both in the local community and the world around us.


The violence of poverty is both global and local. The Maryland Food Bank estimates that one in every nine Marylanders (including one in six kids) suffers from food insecurity.  This causes more than just hunger pains.  Food insecurity can lead to malnourishment, struggles in school due to an inability to concentrate, and social stigma.  At TPC, we know we can and must do something about it.


God not only blesses us with creation, God calls us to care for it.  We take to heart this central tenet of our covenant with God, and work to lead both churchgoers and the community-at-large in addressing the growing environmental concerns we face.


Called to be “peacemakers,” at TPC we understand our call to help bring about a more just society. So while we recognize that good and faithful folks can disagree on all sorts of issues, we still explore them openly and honestly, looking for how the Spirit may be calling us invest ourselves in helping to heal areas of society’s brokenness.  Ignoring society’s problems will only help them grow—we are called to engage and invest.

Mission Trips

God not only calls us to tend to our own communities, but those who live in a state of daily need few can imagine.  TPC has a special connection to Honduras, and sends an intergenerational mission team there every year where they host medical and dental clinics, and help upbuild a local village in various other ways.

Sr. High Youth Groups also travel on mission trips, most recently traveling to Ohio, West Virginia, and Pennsylvania.